Now we come to the best part, the final stage, the final step, the part of true inner peace that very few people are able to experience, and eludes many of us. This is the stage I phrased earlier as ‘Reincarnated Inner Beauty’. Picture this: you confront the person that hurt you, you explain to them what they did and how it hurt you so that it may not happen again. Now one of two things will happen, either the person will apologize and try to make peace with you and save the relationship you both have, or they won’t care and leave you standing with a blank stare. Either response it doesn’t matter, remember you’re doing this for you not them. This is so the burden of hatred that you are carrying around gets lifted; this is the bridge that helps you to make the transition from ‘Wall of Pain’ to Reincarnated Inner Beauty’, from hatred to love. Once you’ve crossed that bridge with the help of forgiveness, forget the hurt and the growing can now begin. It starts with this one person, you have to change your entire perception of them, not seeing them as the person who hurt you and has filled your heart with anger, but as a person who you can see pass their faults and still appreciate them as a person. I always use this example to help: think about how things were with the person before they hurt you and how you perceived them then, now ask yourself, “If things hadn’t gotten to this point would you still feel the same about them now, would you still react the same towards them?” There is a strong possibility you wouldn’t. By doing that it helps you to look pass the negatives of the person and the situation, and focus on the positives and by doing that it helps you to look pass what they did, and see the good within them that exists. Now you’ve made peace with yourself and with the person what’s next?
Wow...what a long topic this is...the conclusion and final part to the series comes to you next week